4 tips to improve the relationship between IT and sales

Updated on Mar 30, 2023 by João Paulo Beluca

4 tips to improve the relationship between IT and sales

4 tips to improve the relationship between IT and sales

In most companies, even though there is impeccable organizational planning, there is a point where communication and cooperation can be lacking, damaging operational results: the relationship between IT and sales.

In many cases, there is no conversation between these sectors. It’s as if the company ended up in one place and, after a gap, started again. This empty space can represent a serious failure in operations and compromise the future of the business.

In the information age, integration is the key to success. Therefore, we developed this post with 4 fundamental tips to improve the relationship between IT and sales in the company. Check it out!

1. Identify commonalities

Each sector has a focus and the objectives and goals of IT and sales are very different. But you can find some common ground between them and use it to establish a connection.

What can unite the sectors? What IT objectives and goals can be aligned with the sales sector and vice versa? By answering these questions, you will be able to identify the main common points and work on them to generate results together.

2. Align focus across sectors

When identifying the main points that establish a relationship between IT and sales, it is time to align them and put them into practice. In fact, alignment and engagement are the most important factors in improving employee focus.

One idea is to use the customer satisfaction metric to measure the purchasing experience provided. Another is to establish a direct link between these sectors and the company’s general results. Both have their share of responsibility in the process, but working together they can obtain even better results.

3. Adopt new methodologies

Managers often have a very busy routine and dedicate a large part of their time to daily activities. This prevents them from having time to dedicate themselves to researching new methodologies and processes.

The habit of certain practices and thinking focused on the difficulty and time wasted when implementing a new methodology are also factors that impede progress and increased efficiency.

However, those who do not follow evolutionary trends run the risk of being left behind, losing space in the market and becoming irrelevant in the future. Don’t let this happen to your business. Dedicate time daily to research, discover and apply the best practices on the market.

4. Use technology to your advantage

Technology has a lot to contribute when establishing a relationship between IT and sales. Software costs have been falling thanks to the evolution of cloud services (SaaS) and generating incredible opportunities to optimize processes for companies of any size or segment.

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), CMS (Content Management Systems), SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and other management systems can work in an integrated manner and extend all this integration for all sectors of the company.

Furthermore, many tasks can be automated, speeding up processes and reducing the failure rate. Overall, the company gains more efficiency and competitive strength. Take advantage of this tip to put new methodologies into practice.

Establishing a relationship between IT and sales is more than an advantage, it is a determining factor in the success of the business. So, take advantage of these tips and start changing the direction of your company today.

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