7 IT trends to watch out for in 2023

Updated on Mar 30, 2023 by João Paulo Beluca

7 IT trends to watch out for in 2023

The IT area recently went through a trial by fire. The COVID-19 pandemic challenged companies to overcome the obstacles imposed by isolation. 

The requirement was great, but the sector was able to respond: the hiring rate of companies in the sector grew by more than 60% compared to the pre-pandemic period. The data comes from a study obtained by CNN and carried out by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and LinkedIn. 

How the pandemic boosted the IT area

The isolation resulting from the pandemic consolidated home working in companies and increased the number of people studying remotely. 

Furthermore, the acquisition of electronic devices has advanced considerably, accompanied by the expansion of the use of digital services such as banking transactions, purchases and access to social networks. 

Therefore, demands for innovative technologies that meet market needs intensified. 

For many companies to continue delivering quality to their customers, it was necessary to rely on IT services. 

These factors caused the IT area to consolidate itself once and for all in the market. The projection for 2023 is that services will become increasingly essential for all types of companies.

Why pay attention to IT news 

According to TOTVS, a Brazilian software company, 85% of Brazilian companies have increased their investments in IT in the last three years. 

It is not just in Brazil that the demand for this type of service is growing. In 2023, global IT spending is expected to total US$4.5 trillion, an increase of 2.4% compared to 2022. The data was provided by a survey published by Gartner, a world leader in research and advice for companies.

With this information, it is possible to observe that this market will be increasingly on the rise in the coming years. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to news.

It is essential for the success of an IT company to be constantly updating and adapting to new trends. 

It is necessary to be connected to market movements so that it is possible to predict possibilities, avoid risks and deliver innovative solutions to customers. 

Check out 7 IT trends for 2023

Systemic technology transitions 

Technologies such as 5G and blockchain promise to be further explored in 2023, allowing considerable advances in the IT market. 

2022 was the year in which 5G actually started working in Brazil. This technology has been established in the country and promises to make communication between devices more efficient. 

The resource should be widely used in business environments, both in person and remotely, to ensure that teams can use this innovation to their advantage.

In addition to 5G, the arrival of blockchain it is also part of systemic technology transitions. THE blockchain is a way of storing records of transactions carried out with digital currencies. 

This resource is still used by few companies, which limits its development and popularization among consumers. 

The forecast is that new companies will start using the blockchain. Therefore, using cryptocurrencies for transactions will quickly become a safer and more popular experience for the public. 

Process automation 

Part of every company’s operations is based on repetitive tasks or manual activities that require a lot of resources to be carried out. 

The trend for 2023 is for processes to be automated, so that companies can focus on the more strategic part of their activities and less on the operational side. 

This makes it simpler to perform analyzes and think of solutions to workflow obstacles. 

An example of a process automation tool is Gipo. Its features allow the team to organize their work routine in one place. 

With Gipo, it is possible to carry out all project management in a simple but very efficient way. 

With a well-defined routine and organized tasks, the team can focus more on planning and executing projects, in addition to having access to all data and information, such as amounts and time spent on each project. 

Internet of things 

The internet of things is another topic that has been gaining prominence and becoming a trend and is expected to consolidate in 2023. 

The main idea of IoT (Internet of things) is to connect people and objects to the internet. This way, you can configure them to perform actions automatically. 

This concept has a lot of potential to be explored in industrial processes, as a way of automating labor, that is, machines that operate alone, without human intervention. 

Digital experience 

Cristina Boner, president of the business group Drexell believes that, in 2023, companies will invest heavily in digital customer experience. 

The objective is to create an online environment that facilitates customer actions, creating a positive experience within digital platforms. 


Cristina also highlighted that sustainability analysis teams will be essential to ensure that the company is operating in a sustainable manner. 

These teams must evaluate and coordinate the use of business sustainability data. Find and use tools that promote sustainability. 

Not only aiming to preserve the environment, but also promoting a sustainable work environment. 

Data security and control

The acquisition of electronic devices has never been greater than it is today. The world is connected in some way. 

Along with this advance in technology adoption, the number of cases of data leaks and hacker invasions has also increased. 

Increasingly, data security and privacy have become a key issue for consumers. 

Therefore, companies should spare no effort to invest in security methods that guarantee peace of mind and control over user data. 

Digital Immune System 

THE DIS, or digital immune system (digital immunity system) aims to actually be an immune system for software. 

The idea is that it can protect data from cyber attacks and learn from situations, becoming capable of preventing them from occurring again. 

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