But what does it mean to be productive, anyway?

Updated on May 2, 2023 by João Paulo Beluca

But what does it mean to be productive, anyway?

When it comes to professional or personal performance, productivity is one of the fundamental aspects to be considered, since it is through it that we can measure our evolution in certain areas of our lives, and it is directly related to the quality of what we do.

For this reason, we must bear in mind that 80% of the results we achieve are probably related to 20% of the activities we carry out, that is, the majority of the desired objectives are achieved with few primary activities, but which are fulfilled with excellence. .

To help you increase your productivity, here is some essential information that will change your way of thinking and give you an overview of how to have a significant impact on the fulfillment of your projects, whether personal or professional.

Speed ​​and quantity are not synonymous with productivity

Being productive is a process through which we can establish priorities for carrying out tasks, in order to overcome procrastination and maintain concentration on the development of the activities we are carrying out.

Many people confuse the aspects of productivity, relating it to carrying out the greatest number of tasks that can be completed in a short period of time, but which will probably not represent an effective fulfillment of the proposed activities that will have a greater impact on your performance. or they will need to be reworked to make them suitable for the proposed objectives.

Solving the tasks related to the 80%, which are less complex and faster to complete, does not cause a significant advance in your production rate, in addition to not giving priority to what is most important.

Delegate and say no, when possible and necessary!

In the same way that it serves to maintain focus, knowing how to say no to those who are not fulfilling the commitments that only you can fulfill also guarantees the performance of your work, since, using your tasks to accommodate others, delegated by your coworkers, superiors or even family members, you will have accumulated deadlines to meet, in addition to the new ones assigned to you.

Therefore, whenever an activity is directed at you, you must consider and define what your own objectives are and what is a priority to be fulfilled, always keeping in mind the clarity of development deadlines, confirming the degree of importance of the work and being able to negotiate a deadline, in order to avoid delaying something irreversible.

Don’t get attached to activities, know how to delegate too! When you are carrying out a project and come across tasks that do not necessarily need to be carried out by you, pass it on to a co-worker who is available and committed.

Are there tools that can help increase productivity?

The answer to this question is YES! There are some systems designed to assist in the development of your project, seeking to provide a general overview of your daily tasks and work teams.

Valuing the productivity and excellence of its activities, the Gipo It is a powerful management tool that has several functionalities focused on greater performance when carrying out your tasks.

Time falando sobre projeto

The system offers a mechanism for prioritizing the tasks to be carried out throughout your project, allowing you to filter them and always have in your workspace what requires the most urgency.

It also makes it possible to assign responsibility for a job to users who are on the same team, allowing the fulfillment of an activity to be delegated to other co-workers.

Did you see how productivity is a little more complex than you imagine? Now that you know what it means to be productive and how to increase your productivity rate, let’s put it into practice! Comment if you had results when applying this to your life!

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