Efficient strategies to power your productivity

Updated on Oct 19, 2024 by João Paulo Beluca

Efficient strategies to power your productivity

Productivity is directly related to external internal elements of the subject who performs their tasks, ranging from tools and work materials used for the execution of a given project, until the collection of accumulated knowledge about that specific topic.

As a means of improving performance when carrying out activities, some techniques can be used to increase performance and avoid wasting unnecessary time or procrastinating work that is important at that moment.

Always invest in knowledge!

When it comes to internal elements, the most efficient way to boost your productivity is Always invest in continuous learning focused on your area of ​​expertise, avoiding the waste of minutes, which become hours, when counted, looking for solutions to solve a problem encountered when carrying out that task.

Through courses, training, articles and any material that adds knowledge, we ended up knowing several methods and strategies that help with greater control and organization, so that there are no unnecessary expenses in the development of the project. 

Tip to Learn More: Get to know the Alura, online course platform to continue investing in knowledge!

We’ve put together a few for you to start applying!

Organization is everything for productivity!

A simple but extremely important tip is to have all materials and tools always at hand, or on your computer’s taskbar, when executing a project. This way, you will avoid taking breaks and avoiding activities, maintaining focus and attention, ensuring productivity remains intact.

Learning to manage time is essential! Always divide your activities throughout your day in order to also consider unforeseen events, since unexpected situations may occur, which are not always negative for the development of your project, such as a insight in a meeting with a client that exceeds the time by one hour, for example.

ABCDE Method

This can be a great ally for productivity, as it aims to relate the tasks in order of priorities, putting it on a scale, with A being the very important activities, and E the unimportant activities, so that the order of execution can be defined. If you have a greater number of assignments that deserve extra attention, you can, in addition to the letters, number them in ascending order, so there will always be a scale of tasks that must be completed as a priority and those that can be delegated or left aside.

Slicing Technique

Without a doubt, it is a powerful weapon to act, even psychologically, to maintain your productivity. This technique recommends detailing the project being developed and dividing large jobs into several smaller tasks, performing only one part at a time. This way, execution becomes lighter, in addition to not bringing that feeling of frustration due to not being able to carry out extensive activities. If necessary, make adjustments! Development becomes more flexible if we use this technique. 

Project and process management systems

It is very worthwhile to employ some system where you can apply the techniques learned here to manage your projects, processes and teams so that you understand your workflow and organize it in the way that makes the most sense.

All the methodologies listed above are present in the Gipo , a complete solution, which aims to provide better productivity performance while working on your project.

Through it, it is possible create projects with ordered tasks, organizing them into stages, such as pending, in progress and completion, as well as including an intermediate phase between those indicated, where it is possible to move work between these categories, in order to understand the moment at which the lists of pending activities are being fulfilled.

Time management is done with the support of a time tracker integrated into the activities carried out, allowing one to get a sense of the time spent for its execution and providing greater control over expenses and income.

Gipo also has a functionality for creating sub-tasks, where can you get breaking a very large and complex job into several smaller tasks.

What did you think of these strategies? Did you already know any of them or do you apply any different ones in your work?

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