How to manage projects and tasks with Gipo

Updated on Mar 30, 2023 by João Paulo Beluca

How to manage projects and tasks with Gipo

The responsibility of leading a project is great. And the challenges to be overcome may be even greater. Project management requires the ability to find solutions and innovations that make the best use of available resources. 

Therefore, adopting a project and task management tool has become essential for anyone who wants to optimize the quality of results and make the workflow more visual. 

What is project management? 

Market competitiveness requires managers to deliver increasingly higher quality results, using the smallest amount of resources possible. Therefore, it is important to manage project development, analyzing processes and identifying positive and negative points. 

From this, it is possible to develop strategies so that productivity and quality of results are optimized. 

Every project has a goal. Project management is the set of practices that will be used to ensure that efforts achieve the objective defined in planning. 

In other words, project management will organize, manage and control the activities and tasks of a project. 

How important is project management?  

Project management is essential for any organization. The success of projects and the quality of deliveries will directly depend on how management was carried out. 

Starting a project from scratch presents several challenges: what resources will be needed to achieve the initial objective? What tasks must be performed? Who will carry out each of them? What will be the deadlines? 

These are just a few questions that need to be answered so that the objectives are achieved as expected. 

In addition to defining the planning, the manager must control and monitor the project. So that he can identify positive and negative points of the process. 

Having a plan for project execution does not guarantee that failures will not happen. But it allows the team to visualize a path forward until they reach their goal. 

Failures and unforeseen events happen, the important thing is for the manager and the team to be resilient so that the error is not repeated and the process is optimized. Learning from the experiences provided is part of management. 

Carrying out good management means being prepared for such occasions. Therefore, organization is fundamental to the success of a project. 

Without efficient management, the project will hardly reach its maximum excellence. 

How to manage projects with Gipo 

Carrying out project management requires a few steps. Each of these processes must be carried out carefully, as any type of carelessness can interfere with the final results. 

With this in mind, it is important to use a project and task management tool, so that management can be carried out more carefully and efficiently.

The stages that make up the life cycle of a project are: initiation, planning, execution and monitoring and review. Each of these steps can be facilitated with the use of a management tool. 


The first stage is marked by defining the project objective. To do this, you need to identify what resources will be needed and establish a budget. 

You need to know how far you can go with what the company has available. In this sense, Gipo is a valuable ally, as it allows you to define the budget within the tool, when creating the project. Furthermore, everything raised at the initiation meeting can be recorded in Gipo. 


With the objective defined and the resources mapped, it is time to plan how the project will be carried out. Create a project backlog and list all the tasks that must be performed from the beginning to the end of the process.

Gipo also has the possibility of carrying out task management. In addition to being able to add tasks to the tool, it is possible to set deadlines and define priorities and those responsible. 

Pay attention to the delegation of responsibilities. Make sure the right tasks are being delegated to the right people. You need to know how to get the best out of each team member. 

Execution and monitoring

The next stage of management involves the execution of tasks and activities by employees and control and monitoring by the manager. Try to encourage good communication and teamwork, so that members become increasingly more involved and help each other. A high-performance team is an engaged team that helps each other. 

With Gipo, the team can stay in touch through a communication system that allows them to add comments and attachments to tasks. 

For monitoring, the manager must be attentive to the development of tasks. This step is essential to identify possible failures and bottlenecks and avoid them, making the process more efficient. 

Gipo allows the manager to monitor in real time the tasks that each member is working on. Furthermore, through the time tracking It is possible to know how much time is being spent on each activity. This allows you to identify which tasks are becoming obstacles and find ways to facilitate and optimize the workflow. 

Make sure that deliveries are being made on time and that planning is being followed.

Gipo also offers the possibility of generating reports and analyzing task execution data. 


The last stage of project management is review. With the execution of all the tasks carried out and the project delivered, it is necessary to reevaluate everything that was done. 

The review allows the manager and the team to identify the positive points of the project and what could have gone better. This process will be important so that future projects do not repeat the same mistakes and have a result with more quality and efficiency in the process.  

In this sense, the manager can carry out the review within Gipo, observing how much time was spent on tasks, how they were carried out and whether they were delivered within the deadlines.

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