IT process management: optimize your productivity

Updated on Mar 30, 2023 by João Paulo Beluca

IT process management: optimize your productivity

IT process management ensures that team managers can control the progress of the project and the performance of members.

When carried out correctly, management guarantees better optimization of the productivity of the entire team.

Check out this post on how to manage IT and what strategies to use.

What is IT process management?

IT processes refer to all stages of developing an IT product. Therefore, managing and mapping these processes contributes to achieving customer success. 

Mapping processes is essential to achieve effective management of the use of technology. The mapping seeks to identify the importance of each activity in the sector, so that it is possible to verify risks and opportunities throughout the stages and, thus, implement improvements that bring even more value to the product. 

The lack of mapping and management of processes in companies can compromise the entire operation. Without well-defined stages and steps, each member builds their part of the project in a disorderly manner, increasing the chances of project failures. 

Thus, communication becomes compromised and the synergy of teamwork is lost, affecting the quality of the service. 

When to carry out a process management review? 

As previously mentioned, the absence of processes in the IT sector can cause the team to become messy and not perform at its best. Consequently, the final product will not have the quality expected by the customer nor the quality that the team can deliver when organized correctly. 

Therefore, it is easy to identify when it is necessary to reevaluate your IT team’s processes. Some signs can serve as indicators for this change to occur. Check it out: 


If you have noticed that your team is not being able to use their time in the best way and this has been delaying the delivery of services, it is time to carry out process mapping. This makes it easy to identify bottlenecks and what is compromising your team’s deadlines. 

Confusing communication

For successful operations, communication is essential. Therefore, if you are finding communication gaps within your team, the time has come to standardize the language through well-defined processes.

Impaired quality

When the quality of the final products begins to deviate from what was required by the customer, it is because the team is not managing to organize itself enough to meet expectations. Reaching this point could be detrimental to the company’s image and wallet. 

How to manage IT processes?

The management processes for an IT project are the same as for other types of projects. Some steps are essential for any type of service or product to be delivered. 

  • Initiation: The first process for successful management is initiation, which consists of identifying the project and why it is being created. Even at the beginning, it is necessary to define the scope and budget of the project.
  • Planning: Next, all project planning must be carried out. Define everything that will be needed for execution, from tools and resources, to which tasks must be performed. Define the team and delegate tasks and responsibilities to employees so that each one knows their role within the processes.
  • Execution: In this phase, employees begin to execute everything defined in the planning.  It is the most important stage of the project and requires care and organization so that the tasks are being completed according to the initial plan.
  • Monitoring and control: Monitoring is a responsibility directed to the manager. He needs to pay attention to the execution of activities and ensure that everything is working correctly. It is important to know that sometimes things do not go as expected, so being prepared for changes is essential so that the project still achieves its initial objective in the end.
  • Closing: The last stage of the project involves an evaluation of the project, to verify whether the demands were met and the product can be delivered.  

Strategies for good process management: 

Make schedules

Well-structured and visible schedules are essential for employees to plan with ease. This way, tasks can be delivered within the stipulated deadlines. 

Adopt project management software 

Use a project management tool that automates your processes and makes it easier to visualize your workflow. With Gipo, you can have all your processes and stages in one place, being able to manage all stages of the project from cost planning to analyzing results. 

Furthermore, within the tool it is possible to perform time tracking of team activities, giving the manager more control over employee performance.

Gipo’s resources allow everything to be operated in an organized and visual way. This makes it much easier to define processes, helping the team to operate in synergy.  

Use agile methodologies

Methodologies serve to define processes in a more visual and structured way. THE Ban and Scrum are agile methodologies that have proven to contribute to the success of operations.

Kanban is based on a board with steps, making the flow more visual. The framework and steps can be customized to the needs of the processes. In this way, it provides a general overview of the progress of projects. 

Scrum is a methodology that divides the process into cycles. In each cycle, a part of the product is planned, executed and reviewed. This way, the project is reviewed in parts, avoiding major rework at the end of the process, if the review reveals flaws. 

Both methodologies can be applied to Gipo. With the resources offered by the tool and the use of agile methodologies, your company’s processes will certainly make results more efficient. 

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