IT team management: control projects with Gipo

Updated on Mar 30, 2023 by João Paulo Beluca

IT team management: control projects with Gipo

IT team management: control projects with Gipo

Many professionals in the IT area, as they progress in their careers and reach the position of manager or director, have difficulty controlling ongoing processes and promoting, at the same time, engagement among their teams. It’s not just about having technical skills. It is necessary to combine good communication, a collaborative spirit and a leader profile for ideal IT team management.

To assist in this stage of management, automated tools create fully organized workflows and make the routine more efficient and productive. In this content, you can see the necessary resources that contribute to the good management of IT teams.

The challenges of managing teams within companies

Operational tasks are those that demand the most time and attention, even from professionals in management positions. If not executed well, tasks can end up being a repetitive activity and, therefore, lead to rework.

As it is a process that happens suddenly, it is natural for professionals to find it difficult to identify what is going wrong, such as delays in project delivery and non-compliance with deadlines, forgetting to do a task or carrying out a task. backup.

To prevent this from happening, there are solutions on the market that integrate all information in a single place, such as deadlines, assignments, responsible parties, time dedicated to each activity and much more. These are called task and project management tools.

With it, the manager can centralize all information and monitor the process from end to end, avoiding errors and mismatches of information among the team.

Therefore, investing in these automated tools ensures that tasks are performed efficiently and with quality.

With Gipo, our solution for IT teams, it is possible to build a more organized and secure workflow. You can share documents, record the hours your team dedicates to each task, work collaboratively and remotely, and make sure everyone is on the same page so that whenever there are changes to the project, you can monitor them in real time. Gipo also allows control costs and launch, in a transparent manner, any charges, minimizing the possibility of financial loss for the company.

Task automation for IT teams

Within a company, it is common for the same professional to play several roles to meet the needs and particularities of each sector. Therefore, professionals need to deal with different tools throughout the day, having to access different systems with logins and passwords.

This procedure ends up consuming more employee time. What could be done in one go becomes a daily repetition.

Therefore, automation brings benefits to companies as it not only eliminates any problems but also improves the workflow and optimizes time, a valuable resource in the market. This way, you and your team focus on what is really important for the company.

Manage your team with Gipo

The IT department is used to receiving many questions and requests about systems, tools, applications and others. To manage this volume of information, Gipo allows you to put everything in one place and establish a date for resolving pending issues.

This feature allows you to track whether the issue is active or has already been resolved. This way, the entire team can allocate their information in a single place and work in a collaborative and integrated way, devising the best solution for each request. This entire process is done in real time, meaning you can monitor it instantly and up to date.

Gipo also allows you to add more than one professional to the same task and have everyone follow the project. The people involved can edit, add and generate a detailed revision history, making it possible to see who edited what and when.

Monitor time for each activity in your team management

In all projects, meeting deadlines is something that must be followed strictly. If an unforeseen event occurs that will harm delivery, the IT manager needs to intervene immediately and find a way to avoid or reduce the problem generated.

Automation tools help monitor the hours dedicated to carrying out each task. With Gipo, you have our time tracking”, a little clock that allows you to simply and automatically track how long the team actually took to carry out a certain activity. This feature makes the process more transparent, with the company and the customer. Furthermore, it avoids delivering the project after the agreed deadline.

The notes made through time tracking allow you to know the team’s productivity and create reports that can be daily, weekly or monthly.

Advantages of Gipo in team management

Among the various benefits of having a task and project management tool, Gipo is a technology that was created and developed by IT specialists to improve workflow and increase productivity in the technology sector.

  • easy and intuitive workspace
  • fast and secure deployment
  • humanized support

Our solution allows access to different accounts with the same user. You can include all your clients on the platform and create projects for each of them.

Customize it your way

When creating projects, you can define teams, those responsible, establish the level of priority and even the budget, which makes it much easier when doing the company’s financial planning.

It is possible to create a worskpace personalized for each workflow and still stay in touch with the team at all times. Make comments on tasks, attach documents and monitor each member’s activity log.

If you prefer, use the Kanban method to organize the view of your workspace through cards and steps. There is also a list mode, a calendar that is used to monitor deadlines and schedules, and a panel mode, great for accessing information and data through graphs.

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