Task management: how to improve your team’s performance

Updated on Mar 30, 2023 by João Paulo Beluca

Task management: how to improve your team’s performance

One of the biggest challenges for companies is to gather information in a single place that is capable of offering a complete view of everything that is being carried out, from start to finish.

To achieve this, task management tools are great allies as they help organize the workflow and  manage the best use of time . Whether working with teams in a remote, hybrid or in-person format.

How to use task management software to your advantage?

First of all, knowing each part of the project and knowing what the team is doing is essential to do more and better. This is a need for managers and people in leadership positions: direct the team to the right path. 

But it’s not enough to just keep up with the demands of the day and get everyone on the same page. It is necessary to create a routine that increases team performance and reduces bottlenecks, rework and costs. Therefore, task management software is a great ally.

Find out how to improve your team’s performance and increase productivity.

Be clear about what is being done so you don’t feel “lost”. So, just as in our personal lives we have the feeling that time is “flying by”, in our professional lives it is no different.

To handle everything, you need to create an organization and list the priorities for the day. Currently, large corporations have already adopted new work models such as remote or hybrid. Are you ready to manage in this format? 

5 attitudes to put into practice in your company

1 – Define the objectives

You need to make it clear what must be delivered. After all, if you don’t know where you’re going, any path will do. Establish the day’s delivery.  For example: imagine that projects A and B need to be completed within a week and that projects C and D must be completed within the following month.

Therefore, all attention and focus will be focused on the delivery of projects A and B, although C and D are also part of the planning. This prevents all demands from being made at the same time and being lost.

2 – Use indicators

People like to know if they are on the right path. Establishing small indicators lets them know how far or close they are to the goal to be achieved. But be careful, it’s not enough to just set goals and deadlines!

Define which indicators will be relevant to your team. It could be monitoring the average service time, the bug rate, the achievement of goals and deadlines, the sales rate and others that you deem necessary for your area.

3 – Have task management software

It is essential to have task management software within the company. These tools make it possible to achieve the desired level of efficiency and manage in a simple and agile way.

With just one click, it is possible to control activities and everything that is being done in a more assertive, planned and automated way.

Do you want to enjoy the benefits of a task management tool?

4 – Create standards in communication

Establish communication standards to prevent misinformation from circulating or misunderstandings from occurring.  This goes for teams of all sizes.

You can delegate activities to a dispatcher, who is the professional responsible for allocating demands to the group. This makes communication more fluid and efficient.

5 – Give feedback

Feedback is a constructive assessment that helps with professional development and the recognition of strengths and improvements. Help people grow from mistakes and congratulate them when they succeed. It is important for them to feel part of the process.

After all, people like to know whether they are on the right path or not. So be direct and objective!

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