The progress of the project is not going as expected, what now?

Updated on Mar 30, 2023 by João Paulo Beluca

The progress of the project is not going as expected, what now?

Managing projects is a task that can be extremely satisfying, but presents occasional challenges. Often, aligning what the client defines as a need with the best ways to carry out a process can require a lot of creativity and experience. No manager would like to put the progress of the project at risk.

However, no matter how good the professional is, we are all subject to certain unforeseen events. And when it comes to project progress, no one wants things to get out of control. Still, it happens sometimes.

Therefore, here we will show you what to do to overcome problems when plan A doesn’t seem to work. Check it out!

Talk to clients about projects

A practice that every professional should have, when working on projects stipulated in partnership with the client, is to maintain constant and open communication between the parties. Ideally, this connection should be present throughout the process, from its beginning until after it is finished.

By keeping the client updated on the progress of the project, you offer greater peace of mind so that they can trust your work, in addition to being aware of the obstacles that are being overcome. In the event of a possible setback, the customer will have an easier time understanding the situation and assisting in any way possible.

If this wasn’t an integral part of your projects until a problem arose, don’t despair. The first step is to inform the client, as clearly as possible, of the real situation of the project.

This transparency will give your team more freedom to carry out effective work and get the project on track.

Create an internal task force

When a project goes through certain unforeseen events, the most common problem is delay. Furthermore, the situation may involve a misalignment with the expected outcome. In some cases, even an error in sizing what was sought.

To inform the client about the situation, it is interesting to present, at the same time, an action plan so that they can make an assessment. After all, he doesn’t expect to hire someone to tell him they don’t know how to solve a problem.

Often, the best option is to create an internal task force. Apply the best professionals available to find solutions to the problem in question and invest time for them to work on it.

With good planning and good ideas, a new direction can be taken and the result, finally, achieved.

Seek constant innovation

A very important characteristic for any company that seeks to meet the needs of its customers is to be innovative. Developing more effective ways to carry out projects — and, therefore, saving time and money — is part of the routine of an innovative team.

When dealing with a project that is not going as expected, new ideas are always welcome. Maintain open communication channels between all professionals involved and project leaders. Those who are directly involved in the projects are those who have the most information to propose an effective alternative.

Remember: if this communication is well developed in the company’s daily life, creating an innovative environment, the frequency with which ideas emerge is greater, increasing the possibilities for action in case of unforeseen events in any processes.

Invest in an environment in which everyone is heard and, over time, problems related to the progress of the project will become rare.

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