Time management – ​​7 tips to apply to your team

Updated on Mar 30, 2023 by João Paulo Beluca

Time management – ​​7 tips to apply to your team

Distractions are part of life. Time management is essential so that they do not become a problem within the work environment. 

Your goal is to organize your time so that it is used in the best way. This way, activities can be well divided and daily productivity is not harmed. 

What is time management for teams? 

Time management is about organizing and dividing your time. With a well-defined routine, it becomes easier to plan. 

This administration directly contributes to the productivity and efficiency of the work delivered. Furthermore, it is easier to fit in times for breaks and less urgent, but important, activities. 

Good time management ensures that the team is better organized, divides responsibilities and tasks and still has time to communicate and work together. 

Why time management at work?

Time is a limited resource. The current market requires teams to deliver increasingly better results using the least amount of time possible. 

Of course, this becomes a challenge for any professional. Staying focused can be very difficult as we are constantly bombarded with new information and tasks. 

Notifications from social networks, apps and messages arrive all day, every day. This is one of the main factors for distraction during work hours. 

Furthermore, we know how frequent tasks accumulate. On busier days, it is common for new tasks to appear all the time. 

Without well-defined time management, the tendency is to try to solve everything at the same time. 

The “multitasking” is the name given to the action of working on more than one activity at the same time. It is humanly impossible to perform more than one action at the same time. 

In any case, this practice is extremely harmful to productivity and the quality of deliveries. According to the doctor specializing in concentration, Marcelo Demarzo: “The mind has a latency time for us to be completely immersed in an activity. When it is interrupted, it takes us up to 10 times longer to focus again”, he explains. 

Therefore, making the best use of time is important both for the quality of results and for ensuring the well-being of the team. 

Being overloaded with tasks can make employees feel overwhelmed. Therefore, it becomes difficult to perform your best during working hours. 

7 techniques for implementing time management in a team 

Managing time in your team is not very complicated. There are some strategies that can facilitate this process. 

Carry out planning

The first step towards efficient time management is to plan your activities. Starting the day, week and month with defined tasks helps the team visualize what needs to be done. 

Start with a “To do list” daily. Ask members to also make their lists, this way everyone knows what needs to be done that day as soon as work starts. 

With more patience, it is also important to make lists for the week and month. This way, employees can view the schedules and plan for it to be completed within the deadline. 

The resources of task management of Gipo allow the team to view their tasks and deadlines in a simple way. Additionally, with the whiteboard feature kanban, it is possible to identify in which stage of the flow the task is. 

Set priorities

Once the tasks have been listed, it’s time to decide where to start. To do this, define the priorities for each of the activities. 

With the priority established, it is possible to identify the most important tasks according to deadlines. 

A good strategy is to define priorities by levels: low, high and urgent. Thus, the day starts with the task order created. 

Set goals

Setting goals is a way to keep the team connected to their work. With clear goals, employees remain more engaged in achieving them

It is also interesting to propose a type of reward for goals achieved. It’s a way to encourage the team to work together to achieve a common goal. 

Use a time management tool

A task management tool is essential to make good use of time. It’s the best way to manage tasks and projects. 

With Gipo, in addition to having your entire workflow in one place, you can track time and identify which tasks are demanding the most time from your team. 

This makes it easier to identify obstacles and bottlenecks in the process, making it possible to develop strategies to use time in the best possible way. 

Delegate tasks 

Delegating tasks is essential for time management, especially for managers. He is the one who will identify which tasks best fit each team member. 

Each person has their own work characteristics, so there are often tasks that can be better performed by specific people on the team. 

Furthermore, delegating tasks is a way of dividing the work and ensuring that none of the members are overworked. 

Organize your workflow

Organizing the workflow is a way to make what needs to be done simple. Know where tasks should start from and where they should end. 

The path taken is your company’s process. Having this flow well defined helps to identify the positive and negative points, helping to avoid unforeseen events and rework. 

This way, productivity is optimized and the quality of deliveries increases. 

Use the pomodoro technique 

The pomodoro technique consists of dividing the execution time of a task into 25-minute intervals. For every 25 minutes of work, a 5-minute rest is taken. 

This technique is a way to encourage the brain to be productive. Knowing that we will have a 5-minute break makes it easier to push ourselves for 25 minutes.  

In any case, the technique is free for you to choose the working time and the rest period. The periods should not necessarily be 25 and 5 minutes. 

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