What IT managers should pay attention to in 2023

Updated on May 2, 2023 by João Paulo Beluca

What IT managers should pay attention to in 2023

IT services are becoming increasingly necessary for any company. With the increasing demands, IT managers need to be aware of market trends. 

It’s important to know what will be valued by customers in the future. This way, your company can position itself to anticipate the competition and become a reference when it comes to new technologies.

Why IT managers should pay attention to trends

The growth of the area

Three years ago, the whole world had to take a break from real life. Social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic meant that daily operations had to migrate online. 

Although this is nothing new, it was the migration to the virtual world that made IT services so important. With everyone at home, the companies had to adapt to keep your day to day running. Not only that, but almost everything had to face this new reality. 


Schools, universities, artists, speakers… everyone had to find a way to continue their routine online. This scenario boosted the growth of the IT sector, which had to find solutions to guarantee the continuity of operations. 

This can be observed through some numbers. When compared to the pre-pandemic period, the IT area recorded an increase of more than 60% in the hiring rate. In this way, it has become the sector that has grown the most in recent years. 

The data demonstrates how demands increased, as professionals began to be more sought after. The information comes from a survey carried out in 2022 by CNN, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and LinkedIn. In Brazil, a survey by Sambatech revealed that 45.7% of national companies are implementing solutions related to digital transformation.

But this growth doesn’t stop there. According to the company Gartner, in 2023 IT spending is projected to increase by 5.1%. According to FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas), digital transformation processes and the use of IT in companies were brought forward by up to four years in 2022. These numbers further prove that the pandemic was one of the factors for this accelerated growth. 

Why should IT managers be aware?

As can be seen, the IT sector is becoming increasingly fundamental to the market. Today, any company or project will need an IT sector to optimize its operations. 

Taking these numbers into account, IT managers must be aware of new trends. This way, it is possible to know in advance which paths should be followed, so that your company can position itself correctly in relation to the competition. 

Now that you know why you should follow IT market trends, it’s time to get to know them. 

What trends should IT managers be aware of?

This survey was carried out in accordance with experts’ predictions. Although they are not an absolute certainty, experts in the field are betting that these trends will grow steadily and quickly.

To list them, predictions from Gartner, the world’s leading research and advisory firm for companies, were taken into account; from IDC Brasil, a leader in market intelligence, consultancy services and conferences in the ICT industries; and Deloitte, a global leader in auditing and business consultancy. 

  • Cloud Services

The first trend is investment in cloud platforms. This type of platform enables the development of SaaS (Software as a service), the platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). 

The objective of this technology is to optimize activities in the market, as it allows support for the target audience through modular resources specific to service cases. 

Based on this, it is possible to develop digital solutions and innovations that focus on the customer, allowing personalized service. This way, the process becomes more agile and effective.

According to Gartner, by 2027, 50% of companies will use cloud platforms to accelerate and optimize processes. 

Furthermore, according to research IDC Predictions Brazil, only in Brazil, spending on IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service) combined will surpass the US$4.5 billion mark, an increase of 41% compared to 2022. 

According to Luciano Ramos, Country Manager from IDC Brasil, adopting this type of strategy will be a differentiator when carrying out business management in the IT area: “IT will have to look more strongly at strategies that simplify the management and connectivity of different environments, making environments hybrid and Multicloud more efficient from the perspective of costs”, said the manager in an interview with himself site from IDC. 

  • Artificial intelligence

AI has been in our daily lives for a while now. However, technology tends to advance even further. For Alexandre Tibechrani, General Manager Americas from edtech Ironhack, AI went from the simple activities they perform today to having a greater presence in companies’ strategic actions. 

Furthermore, the development of AI can directly contribute to digital security, machine learning (machine learning) and increased productivity.

  • Automation

Automation will be essential to optimize workflows and ensure process efficiency. This is because, the more automated the processes, the more time the company has to focus on what is most important. 

In addition to agility in the workflow, automation will also allow data analysis in a more careful way. Automation reduces failures by creating smarter decision-making. 

With automation, rework and bureaucratic tasks are done more quickly. This way, employees can focus more on analyzing and developing strategies.

This advancement can be observed with project and task management tools. Today, many companies use automation tools in order to optimize your workflow and facilitate the organization of processes. 


With Gipo, you have all the details of your projects in one place. This makes it easier to build an ideal workflow and identify process bottlenecks.

Automation can also be related to IoT (internet of things). This concept concerns the interaction between complex machines. This way, the corporate routine can work more advantageously, delivering connected and efficient communication. 

To better elucidate this issue, we can use a car manufacturer as an example. In current automakers, there is already a production line with automated machines. However, if there is a problem with the machine, it is necessary to have someone who can operate it in order to identify and resolve the problem. 

With automation, it will be possible for the machine itself to diagnose and identify the fault.

  • Security

A major current concern is data control and security. It is increasingly common to find cases of hacker attacks. Brazil is the second country in Latin America with the most cyber attacks, behind only Mexico. Last year, there were 103.16 billion attempts to cyber attacks. The data was collected by FortiGuard Labs, threat intelligence and analysis laboratory at Fortinet, a cybersecurity solutions company.

In this sense, it is essential that IT companies guarantee security to customers. The trend is to improve products that help ensure data protection. 

For Pietro Delai, director of Enterprise Research and Consulting at IDC Latin America, IT security will be at the top of Brazilian companies’ concerns: “Before, to talk to a co-worker and pass on some information or data, you just had to look to the side, and confidential information was centralized within the company. Now, whether via chat, WhatsApp, email or another tool, information will travel several kilometers, and sensitive and confidential data will be spread across many clouds. Therefore, the strong concern about information security will not diminish”, explains the director. 

  • Sustainability

Another trend highlighted by consultancy studies is sustainability. In other words, the ability of companies to grow and improve their technologies in an environmentally sustainable way. 

But how to do this sustainably? Technological consumption and production use a lot of resources, so it is important not to waste them. Using sustainable alternatives, such as renewable energy, for example, is an option. 

According to Gartner, sustainability is in the top 3 priorities of CEOs and investors. It is essential that new technologies are created with sustainability in mind.

THE green IT, or green IT, is a new concept that seeks to encourage sustainable data consumption. And consumers’ preference for sustainable products can be evidenced in numbers: according to data from INC., 73% of millennials are willing to pay more for sustainable products, as well as do business with companies that are environmentally friendly.

  • Augmented and virtual reality

The metaverse, or virtual reality, is a new layer of reality that unites the digital with the real. This new environment allows the user new experiences and sensations. 

There is optimism on the part of managers in applying the metaverse in the daily lives of companies. This is because they believe that, within the new context of home office and hybrid work, the metaverse can increase engagement and make internal communication more efficient. 

Because it is a reality different from the real one, it is expected that the metaverse will have its own virtual economic system. This system would work through digital currencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). 

According to Gartner, by 2027 more than 40% of the world’s leading companies will be using the metaverse in combination with other technologies, such as cloud, augmented reality and web 3.0. 

  • Web 3.0

The term web 3.0 was one of the main topics to be discussed at Web Summit. The event is one of the largest technology-related events in the world, and took place in Lisbon between November 1st and 4th, 2022. 

Web 3.0 refers to a new phase of the internet. Its principle is to guarantee total control of activities, data and information for the user. This way, it is possible to have more security and control over the monetization of personal data. 

In this sense, the evolution of the blockchain. Today, our data is stored in clouds, with blockchain it is possible to decentralize data storage, which today belongs to large mediation companies. 

Performing decentralization ensures that the user has more control over what to do with their data, influencing everything from conversations between friends to financial transactions. 

IT managers must know task management tools

The trends for 2023 are highlighted as new realities by experts and professionals in the field. Research shows that these new technologies will be strongly present in the market. 

However, before applying new technologies, you need to be aware of those that have already arrived, so that your company is ready to apply the new technologies without difficulties. 

One of these realities is project management tools. They ensure that you have your entire workflow in just one place. Therefore, this type of tool is ideal for managers to have complete control over their team’s activities and project development.

With Gipo, you can carry out all project management and monitor the time spent by each member of your team on each of the tasks, through the Gipo feature. time tracking

Furthermore, it allows you to control the costs and charges projects and facilitate work and communication between the team. 

With your entire workflow within Gipo, it is easier to identify obstacles and bottlenecks in the process. Thus, it is possible to find solutions and innovations that optimize the efficiency of results. 

Now that you know the trends in the IT market, it’s easier to prepare to make your company stand out, right?

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